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Remembrance Day 2013 – A short walk in Ypres, Belgium Part II
This blog software doesn’t allow me to add multiple vids, so I just attached the last one which adds onto the previous one. I noticed something and I wanted to shoot the video to explain my findings. Moment of silence.
Remembrance Day 2013 – A short walk in Ypres, Belgium
This video was the first one I made. It was just one of the graveyards in and around Ypres. It’s fully narrated, so I probably don’t need to write so much.
Remembrance Day – Honouring the Fallen – Ypres 2013 (Iepers – Flemish spelling)
I do partake in what is called Dark tourism, but when I went to Ypres, it was for different reasons. I had a couple client meetings and on my way to Ypres, I found myself looking into things to see as I love going to places that I’ve never been before. I’m quite a nostalgic…